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A Love Story -Banner Alzheimer’s Institute

This simple story shows how love sustains a couple as they deal with the husband’s early onset Alzheimer’s disease.  It is one of several web videos we produced about the groundbreaking Alzheimer’s research and patient-based care at BAI.

Traffic Safety - IACP

​Produced for the International Association of the Chiefs of Police, this video shows how the police in the city of Alexandria, VA are responding to the issue of traffic safety in creative ways.

CTIA Wireless is Limitless - Mobile Mainstreet


​​Small businesses in rural West Virginia are using a mobile app to help build the local economy.  The Mobile platform allows them to better compete with much larger businesses and urban areas, by connecting them to customers locally and across the country. 

One of a dozen 3-minute stories we produced that show how wireless is transforming the way we live-- as part of the wireless industry’s “Wireless is Limitless” campaign..

CTIA Digital Goods -


TRF teamed with DC-based comedian David Coyne to produce a series of light hearted spots designed to educate viewers on a variety of wireless industry topics, from taxation of digital goods to the need for more spectrum.

Foundation for Women's Cancer PSA

This spot was produced to help generate attendance and funds for the National Race to End Women’s Cancer in Washington, DC.


CTIA The Wireless Association - CBIB's

A wireless buoy system in the Chesapeake is delivering real-time data on weather and water conditions to fishermen, environmentalists and weather forecasters. In the process, it is helping to transform conditions on the Bay,

One of a dozen 3-minute stories we produced that show how wireless is transforming the way we live-- as part of the wireless industry’s “Wireless is Limitless” campaign. 


©2004-2017 TRF Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved | Last Modified: 04.23.13

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